Helen Cauldbeck
Helen graduated with a First Class BSc (Hons) Chemistry from the University of Liverpool in 2010. She completed an ESPRC Summer Vacation Scheme back in 2009 with Steve studying active nanoemulsions for the development of a novel drug delivery system. Helen joined the group in 2011 to study for a PhD focusing on drug delivery to the eye in collaboration with Dr Victoria Kearns and Prof Rachel Williams in the Department of Eye and Vision Science. She completed her PhD research in 2015 and graduated in the winter graduation ceremony. She rejoined the group in 2016 to undertake postdoctoral research encompassing radiolabelled polymers and ex vivo drug delivery models.
Helen was awarded a Unilever Research Fellowship to focus on radiomaterials chemistry and support Unilever's research efforts. Cauldbeck Group website https://cauldbeckgroup.wixsite.com/website