Dual-responsive degradable core–shell nanogels with tuneable aggregation behaviour
D M Gray, A R Town, E Niezabitowska,
RSC Adv., 2022,12, 2196-2206
Lack of Ronapreve (REGN-CoV; casirivimab and imdevimab) virological efficacy against the SARS-CoV 2 Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) in K18-hACE2 mice
LTatham, J Sharp, E Kijak, J Herriott, M Neary, H Box, A Valentijn, H Cox, H Pertinez, P Curley, U Arshad, RKR Rajoli, S Rannard, JStewart, A Owen
BioRxiv, 2022,10.1101/2022.01.23.477397v1
Randomised Controlled Trial of Intravenous Nafamostat Mesylate in COVID pneumonitis: Phase 1b/2a Experimental Study to Investigate Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
TM Quinn, EE Gaughan, A Bruce, J Antonelli, R O’Connor, F Li, S McNamara, O Koch, C MacIntosh, D Dockrell, T Walsh, KG Blyth, C Church, J Schwarze, C Boz, A Valanciute, M Burgess, P Emanuel, B Mills, G Rinaldi, G Hardisty, R Mills, E Findlay, S Jabbal, A Duncan, S Plant, ADL Marshall, I Young, K Russell, E Scholefield, AF Nimmo, IB Nazarov, GC Churchill, JSO McCullagh, KH Ebrahimi, C Ferrett, K Templeton, S Rannard, A Owen, A Moore, K Finlayson, M Shankar-Hari, J Norrie, RA. Parker, AR Akram, DC Anthony, JW Dear, N Hirani, K Dhaliwal
EBioMedicine, 2022, 76, 103856
Accessing New and Scalable High Molecular Weight Branched Copolymer Structures using Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation (TBRT)
S R Cassin, S Flynn. P Chambon & S P Rannard
Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 2295 - 2306
Linear and branched polymer prodrugs of the water-soluble nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor emtricitabine as structural materials for long-acting implants
A Shakil, F Y Hern, C Liu, K Temburnikar, P Chambon, N Liptrott, T O McDonald, M. Neary, A. Owen, C Freel Meyers, S P Rannard
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022,10, 4395 - 4404
Controlling the pH-response of branched copolymer nanoprecipitates synthesised by Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation (TBRT) through telogen chemistry and spatial distribution of tertiary amine functionality.
O B. Penrhyn-Lowe, S R Cassin, P Chambon &
Nanoscale Adv., 2022, 4, 4051-4058
Aqueous (co)polymer stabilisers for size-controlled 2-5 nm gold nanoparticle synthesis with tuneable catalytic activity
D J Traynor, E Ureña-Horno, J J Hobson,
E J Croft, S E Edwards, S Rannard &
M Giardiello
New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 17282-17291
A randomised, open-label trial of combined nitazoxanide and atazanavir/ritonavir for mild to moderate COVID-19
Frontiers in Medicine, 2022, 2022, 9, 956123
Using temperature to modify the reaction conditions and outcomes of polymers formed using Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation (TBRT)
S Flynn, O B. Penrhyn-Lowe, S Mckeating,
S Wright, S Lomas, S R Cassin, P Chambon & S P Rannard
RSC Adv. 2022, 2022,12, 31424-31431
Aqueous (co)polymer stabilisers for size-controlled 2–5 nm gold nanoparticle synthesis with tuneable catalytic activity
DJ Traynor, E Ureña-Horno, JJ Hobson, EJ Croft, SE Edwards, SP Rannard & M Giardiello
New J. Chem., 2022,46, 17282-17291
Nanomedicine strategies to improve therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of preterm birth and future directions
J Taylor, A Sharp, S Rannard, S Arrowsmith,
T O McDonald.
Nanoscale Adv. 2023, 5, 1870-1889
Utilising the effect of reaction concentration to tune the physical properties of hyperbranched polymers synthesised using Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation (TBRT)
SR Cassin, S Wright, S Mckeating, OB Penrhyn-Lowe, S Flynn, S Lomas, P Chambon, SP Rannard
Polym. Chem. 2023, 14,1905-1914
High drug loading solid lipid nanoparticles, nanostructured lipid carriers and nanoemulsions for the dual drug delivery of the HIV drugs darunavir and ritonavir
H Elkateb, H Cauldbeck, E Niezabitowska, C Hogarth, K Arnold, S Rannard, T O McDonald
JCIS Open 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.jciso.2023.100087
Layer by layer self-assembly for coating a nanosuspension to modify drug release and stability for oral delivery
N M Elbaz, L M Tatham, A Owen,
S Rannard, T O McDonald
Food Hydrocolloids 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.108908
Understanding the Degradation of Core-Shell Nanogels Using Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation
E Niezabitowska, D M Gray, E Gallardo-Toledo, A Owen, S P Rannard and
T O McDonald
J. Funct. Biomater. 2023, 14(7), 346
Preferences of patients and providers in high-burden malaria settings for long-acting malaria chemoprevention
K Scarsi, H Sayles, K Kapungu, P Sifuna, M Ippolito, R Furl, M Anderson, J Dountio, Ofimboudem, G Chongwe, J Hutter, S Rannard, A Owen, S Swindells, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.2023 (accepted)
Preclinical Evaluation of Long-Acting Emtricitabine Semi-Solid Prodrug Nanoparticle Formulations
P Curley, J J Hobson, N J Liptrott, E Makarov, A Al-khouja, L Tatham, C A W David, H Box, M Neary, J Sharp, H Pertinez, D Meyers, C Flexner, C L Freel Meyers, L Poluektova, S Rannard, A Owen
Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 1835
Using Dynamic Oral Dosing of Rifapentine and Rifabutin to Simulate Exposure Profiles of Long-Acting Formulations in a Mouse Model of Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy
Y S Chang, S-Y Li, H Pertinez, F Betoudji, J Lee,
S P Rannard, A Owen, E L Nuermberger,
N C Ammerman,
Antimicrob. Agents and Chemother. 2023, 67, e0048123
Quantitation of tizoxanide in multiple matrices to support cell culture, animal and human research
M Neary, U Arshad, L Tatham, H Pertinez, H Box, R K R Rajoli, A Valentijn, J Sharp, S P Rannard, G A Biagini, P Curley, A Owen
J Chromatography B, 2023, 1228, 123823
Evaluation of nafamostat as chemoprophylaxis for SARS-CoV-2 in hamsters
M Neary, J Sharp, E Gallardo-Toledo, J Herriott,
E Kijak, C Bramwell, H Cox, L Tatham, H Box, P Curley,
U Arshad, R K R Rajoli, H Pertinez, A Valentijn, K
Dhaliwal, F Mccaughan, J J Hobson, S Rannard, A Kipar, J Stewart, A Owen
Viruses, 2023, manuscript accepted

Polymer-prodrug conjugates as candidates for degradable, long-acting implants, releasing the water-soluble nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor emtricitabine
C Liu, F Y Hern, A Shakil, K Temburnikar, P Chambon, N Liptrott, T O McDonald, M Neary, C Flexner, A Owen, C Freel Meyers, S P Rannard
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2023,11, 11532-11543
Exploring telogen chemical structure and reactivity when forming highly branched polyesters derived from ethylene glycol dimethacrylate homopolymerisation under Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation (TBRT) conditions
S Flynn, B Linthwaite, OB Penrhyn-Lowe,
S Mckeating, S Wright, SR Cassin, P Chambon, SP Rannard,
Polym. Chem., 2023,14, 5102-5114
Lack of antiviral activity of probenecid in vitro and in Syrian golden hamsters
H Box, J Sharp, S Pennington, E Kijak, L Tatham,
CH Caygill, RC Lopeman, L Jeffreys, J Herriott,
M Neary, A Valentijn, H Pertinez, P Curley, U Arshad, RK Rajoli, J Reddy; D Jochmans, L Vangeel, J Neyts,
E Chatelain, F Escudié, I Scandale, S Rannard,
J Stewart, G Biagini, A Owen
Antimicrob. Agents and Chemother. 2023, accepted
Ex vivo transdermal delivery of 3H-labelled atovaquone solid drug nanoparticles: a comparison of topical, intradermal injection and microneedle assisted administration
S Morris, M Long, A Savage, A Owen,
S Rannard, H Cauldbeck
Nanoscale Adv., 2023
DOI: 10.1039/d3na00454f
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Cabotegravir MicroArray Patches in Rats and Humans
H Kinvig, RKR Rajoli, H Pertinez, LK Vora, F Volpe-Zanutto, RF Donnelly, S Rannard, C Flexner, M Siccardi, A Owen
Pharmaceutics, 2023, accepted
Navigating the Challenges of Lipid Nanoparticle Formulation: The Role of Unpegylated Lipid Surfactants in Enhancing Drug Loading and Stability
C Hogarth, K Arnold, S Wright, H Elkateb, S Rannard, T O McDonald
Nanoscale Adv. 2024, 6, 669-679
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Survey of Providers and Policymakers
N Gupta, S Swindells, KK Scarsi, R Furl, D Thomas, ED Weld, JD Ofimboudem, H Desalegn, S Hamid, A Rosas, A Owen, S Rannard, L Hiebert, K Sun, J Ward
J Viral Hepatitis 2024, 31, 221-232
Atazanavir/ritonavir increased tizoxanide exposure from oral nitazoxanide through pharmacokinetic interaction in healthy volunteers
A Akinloye, T Oyedeji, O Eniayewu, B A Adeagbo,
O Bolaji, S Rannard, A Owen, A Olagunju
Future Pharmacol. 2024, 4, 163-172
Ronapreve (REGN-CoV; casirivimab and imdevimab) reduces the viral burden and alters the pulmonary response to the SARS-CoV‑2 Delta variant (B.1.617.2) in K18-hACE2 mice using an experimental design reflective of a treatment use case
LTatham, A Kipar, J Sharp, E Kijak, J Herriott, M Neary, H Box, E Gallardo Toledo, A Valentijn, H Cox, H Pertinez, P Curley, U Arshad, R K R Rajoli, S Rannard, J Stewart, A Owen
Microbiol Spectr 2024, 12, e03916-23
Clinical, Pharmacological, and Qualitative Characterization of Drug-Drug Interactions in Pregnant Women Initiating HIV Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa
D Kiiza, D Rostami-Hochaghan, Y Alhassan, K Seden, H Reynolds, JP Kaboggoza, M Taegtmeyer, T Chen, E Challenger, T Malaba, D Wang, L Else, F Hern, J Sharp, M Neary, S Penchala, C Waitt, C Orrell, A Colbers, L Myer, A Owen, S Rannard, S Khoo, M Lamorde
J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 2024, accepted

Systemic delivery of bictegravir and tenofovir alafenamide using dissolving microneedles for HIV preexposure prophylaxis
C Zhang,Y Wu, ARJ Hutton, AH Bin Sabr, JJ Hobson, AC Savage, HO McCarthy, AJ Paredes, A Owen, SP Rannard, RF Donnelly
Int J Pharma 2024, 660, 124317
Employing Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation (TBRT) and Atom Transfer Radical Polymerisation (ATRP) to form complex polyester-polymethacrylate branched-linear star copolymer hybrids via orthogonal initiation
AB Dwyer, WM Sandy, FY Hern, OB. Penrhyn-Lowe, S McKeating, S Flynn, S Wright, S Pate, P Chambon,
SP Rannard
Chem Comm. 2024, 60, 10116-10119
Controlling enzyme hydrolysis of branched polymers synthesised using TBRT via telogen and taxogen selection
S Mckeating, OB. Penrhyn-Lowe, S Flynn, SR. Cassin, S Lomas, C Fidge, P Price, S Wright, P Chambon, SP Rannard
Comm. Chem (Nature) 2024, 7, 197
Preferences and Feasibility of Long-Acting Technologies for the Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus: A Survey of Patients in Diverse Low- and Middle-Income Countries
R Furl, K K Scarsi, H Sayles, M Anderson, J Dountio Ofimboudem, E D Weld, I Waked, A Gomaa, A Al-Khatib, F M Elshobary, H Desalegn, H Fisseha, S Solomon, S Mehta, A Owen, S Rannard, D L Thomas, S Swindells
J Viral Hepatitis 2024, doi.org/10.1111/jvh.14031
Solid Drug Nanoparticles
C Unsworth, AC Savage, SP Rannard,
2024, 63-88: Chapter in Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience. Uchegbu, I.F., Schätzlein, A.G., Lalatsa, A., Lopez, D.R.S. (eds) Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-59478-6_4
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